Thursday, April 28, 2005

What the Hell is Sporttag?

So, like everyone else who's cool on the Internet I've taken to tags and rss. Like everyone who's cool outside the world of the Internet I also like sports. My goal is to develop a system that will allow users to get RSS feeds of the sports news and game recaps that they want to see.

I'm bootstrapping this thing, so I'm starting with the great tools that are already available like I plan on putting a web interface on this thing soon, and I'd really like to find a Ruby on Rails developer who would like to help me create a smart, simple system that it purpose built for this idea.

Also, I definitly need some people to be contributors/editors for the data source. Someday we might come up with a way to allow anyone to submit articles, etc. but that's a while off and even then I'm not sure if that's the best option. We don't need a billion people, but a good solid team should be able to comb through the major sports new sources and get the major stuff posted without taking up too much of their day.

I'd hope that one day their would be some profit from the sytem to pay any developers and contributors for their effort, but I promise I'll keep it legit, nothing extreme that doesn't make the system worth using. (I'll always listen to the voice of the community.)

Anyway, right at the start I'm just covering American Pro sports, mainly game recaps, some news. Check out the current setup at and contact me at if you'd like to help or have any ideas.


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